Move over Dream Job! It's time for the Right-For-Right-Now Role...

Damn that ‘dream job’ that we’re meant to be finding! Of course, it’s right to aim high and of course, you’re worth it. But isn’t it a little exhausting when supply of dream jobs is a bit low in your niche?

Supposing this week, we sack the dream job idea in favour of the right-for-right now role? It’s not quite so big and perfect, but can answer most of your needs and some of your wants and get you on the path to the dream. Doesn’t that sound good (in a slightly pink and Barbie way)?

What is a right-for-right now role?

We’re going pretty ‘Ronseal’ here; this is not your forever role (that’s not really a thing anyway) or even your five-year role. It’s going to tide you over for 18 months tops, I’d say.

Why do I want this?

You want this because you’re stuck and can’t find (or get) the longer term role you want. It allows you to get back into the work environment.

Does this mean taking a more junior role?

Not necessarily. If you can’t find the senior role you want, that might be an option. You’d have to sell this to a prospective recruiter to see if they like the idea of having someone more senior for a short amount of time. But it could also be a mini-pivot - working in an element of the role you’ve done before. Ideally, you want your RFRN role to be connected to your ‘dream job’ so that you build the right network and skills.

What will it give me?

Money (woohoo!), experience, practice at managing the juggle, a new network, skills update, tech update, something new for your CV, a recent reference…

What won’t it give me?

It might not tick the ‘meaningful work’ box, the ultimate salary that you want and deserve and a long-term plan.

Won’t that look bad on my CV?

If you work in a traditional industry, with traditional recruiters or processes, then you might want to be careful here. You know who you are. For the majority of you, it’s not going to make a negative difference and look at all the positive stuff. Then look at it again!

Are you up for a right-for-right-now role? Need some help? Grab a Career Coaching Burst (1-hour coaching blitz) and let’s get that job!