How do I network as a mum?

Professional networking opportunities are not over when you have children. Yes you may be swapping that smart crisp suit for a baby stained t-shirt at times but a whole new world from which to network has opened its doors to you. You just need to look for these opportunities in different places.

Use baby groups as networking opportunities

It may not be instant and you may need to find the right group/crowd of parents that works for you, but get out there and attend groups and classes with your little ones and maximise on your opportunity to network and meet new people. It is ok to move the conversation on from all-about-kids to you! Start by asking questions about others and their previous or current career plans and go from there.

Network at the school gates

Once your children transition into school age, there is a whole new arena from which to network. Get to know other mums, invite them for a coffee and you never know where this may lead to. A new job opportunity, potential business partner or friend providing useful professional advice may be hiding at the school gates or at one of the many birthday parties you will be attending.

Local networking opportunities

You may not be in the big city anymore but local networking is still as powerful. Check out local business parent groups, many of which will be on social media like Facebook. You may want to check out networks like Athena and Mumpreneurs as well as traditional professional groups like the Institute of Directors and Chamber of Commerce. Try a few different groups out before you work out which one(s) might suit you best.

Network online and capitalise on social media

There are traditional social media sources like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter from which to build connections online. There are also now many apps out there which you could use to build networks and connect with people. You may like to check out Mush, Peanut and Hoop. Build real connections with people and personalise requests to connect and proactively engage in discussions online.

We’re part of your network too! If you’d like to speak about your individual career situation, please book a slot for a chat.