Organise your job search

Job searching is an ongoing project which requires time and energy. Whether you’re working or caring for kids or parents, it’s another task to add to the list. That’s why it’s important to organise your job search so that it doesn’t get pushed aside by other commitments.

Dedicate time

Carve out time in your week to dedicate to your job search. This will help you to get started and, once you’re started, to keep going. Dedicate regular time to work on your job search. Even if it's 20 minutes a day, over a week that’s nearly 2.5 hours. Put it in your diary as an appointment, so that it happens.

From small scale to large scale job search activities

There are lots of different job search activities in the set-up stage and the maintenance stage. Programme in small activities when you’re tired or have small chunks of time and bigger activities for when you’re feeling more rested and have quiet time. Small scale activities would be setting up job site automations, checking your job emails or making a list of key words for your CV. These could be done in the evening or during a commute.

Medium scale activities could be networking e.g. reconnecting with people you have lost contact with, for instance, ex-colleagues, people you have worked with and recruiters you used to know or tidying up your LinkedIn profile.

Large scale activities (where you’ll need bigger chunks of free time for reflection and research) might be developing your target list of organisations for direct applications, tailoring your CV or completing application forms.

Plan in detail

It can be really helpful to add some of this detail to your diary or planner, so that you get reminders to be working on different scale activities at different times.

Organising your time and energy effectively will make the whole process more manageable and get you closer to achieving your career goals.

Work with us in October:

Find out more about the Career Relaunch Progamme.

Try a Career Coaching Burst - a one-off coaching session to blitz one aspect of your career project.

Book a free 20-minute career consultation.