Wondering why your CV is not landing you that interview?

Are you struggling to get to the interview stage and wondering why? There could be several reasons why your CV is not landing you that invitation, here are a few possibilities:

Tailoring your CV

Are you tailoring your CV for each job application?

It's far better to apply for a few jobs and spend time tailoring your CV for these positions, than to send out your CV on mass.

Tailoring your CV does not need to take long. Spend 30 minutes tweaking your base CV so that it reflects what the employer is looking for and what skills and achievements are of importance to them. Include some of the keywords used in the job description and cut out irrelevant information.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Many companies now use an ATS to screen and narrow down a pool of applicants for a role. These systems search for keywords typically found in the job description and usually focussed on skills, experience, location of work, former employers and qualifications. You can increase your chances of successfully getting your cv through these systems by weaving keywords into your CV and mirroring language. Avoid fancy fonts and putting text in tables as this could lead to information being missed.

Meaningless Personal Statements

You have approximately 6 seconds to get your CV read.

Are you using meaningless soundbites stating that you are a hard-working, team player with excellent attention to detail? This will not help you to stand out from the crowd.

Instead strive for a snappy introduction stating the industries you have excelled in and skills you can bring to the role. What value do you bring? What is your USP? Make your introduction relevant to the role.

Long CVs can be overlooked

Your CV needs to be short, easy and inviting to read. Aim for 1-2 pages.

Your CV is essentially your career highlights and a sales pitch, rather than a list of everything you have ever done. Keep paragraphs short, make use of bullet points and utilise white space.

Clarity on your career direction

We often hear our clients say that they are sending their CV out for lots of jobs and keeping their options open. However having a clear and focussed job search is likely to lead to greater success in the long run. You will be able to really tailor your CV for the job you want, which done well takes time. You will also have a clear elevator pitch on your CV and for those job conversations, to convey what value you can bring and what it is that you want next from your career.

A well thought out and tailored CV has a greater chance of getting into that β€˜yes’ pile and landing you that interview.

Mastering CVs

If you would like expert guidance with your CV you can learn more about our Mastering CVs programme here available with personalised coaching or as an online programme with tutorials.

Learn more about Mastering CVs.